our services


 Each module consists of:

• Site visit

• Lecture

• Lunch

• Project time.

Modules are from 7 am to 3 pm with an hour for lunch provided by Revive. 

Observe, interact, and work with the ecosystems that make Costa Rica one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. 


food & forests

Whether it’s agroforestry for your finca or an edible garden for your home or anything in between. Revive’s team of experts will collaborate with nature for your food and forest dreams. 

Personalized landscaping for homeowners and property managers that want to grow food and regenerate their resources. Circular economy designs restore, renew and revitalize their own sources of energy, food, and materials. 

Permaculture landscaping combines aspects of decorative and edible plants to create a site that sustains itself and its gardener. The ultimate goal of permaculture landscaping is to create an ecosystem that has the capability of providing for all your needs, food, shelter, fuel, and beauty. While many may not need or want to follow permaculture to such an extreme, its principles can be used to create landscapes that are ecologically friendly, useful, and beautiful.

We mimic patterns in nature to design & create regenerative and resilient farms, gardens, and homesteads that:

  • Build topsoil

  • Increase production 

  • Sequester carbon or fix nitrogen

  • Catch and store rainwater

  • Increase human and ecological health

  • Increase biological diversity

  • Create diverse habitats

  • Promote independent seed banks

Revive offers a complete package that includes:
consult, design, implementation, and maintenance,
or use any one of our services a la carte.

Consulting services

Virtual advice by phone / Zoom / email - Free of charge

A scheduled chat about your project, particular issues, and determining your interest level in permaculture application.

Site Walk and chat (price varies according to backyard garden or finca)

Onsite, walk-about considering aspirations and issues. Spontaneous advice and suggestions followed up with an optional additional brief written report of the visit outlining the key points and recommendations. Site walkabout with a video camera is an option where the client need not be present.

Design Services

General site analysis and potential concept designs.

Our initial site analysis will provide you with a greater understanding of the possibilities. From this, we will create various options for the development of the property with various approximate prices. 

Initial site analysis includes:

  • Overview and situation analysis

  • Video, photos, and drawings.

  • Potential solutions, plans, and recommendations

  • Approximate budgets for each option.

We will help you understand:

  • Your resources

  • Your land’s advantages/disadvantages

  • Your vision

  • Your land’s potential

  • General information on access, structures, trees, areas of production, and soil quality. Based on the on-site visit and analysis. 

Detailed Design

After you have decided on the appropriate plan for your property, we move to the design phase. This includes

  • Detailed analysis of soil, climate, water, resources, etc.

  • Specific planting scheme, 

  • Implementation budgets

  • Resource management

  • Supported evolution of the project where required. 

Implementation and project management services

Organize and facilitate

Implementation of a permaculture design, eg: project management, subcontracting, planting. In other words, the design comes to life.  

Maintenance Services

If we installed your landscape we can start right away with a maintenance plan and schedule our first visit.

If we have never been to your land, we can schedule our first visit and develop a maintenance plan for future visits while we are there

Maintenance options:

We can do all the work or we can teach you or your gardener of choice to interact daily, weekly, and seasonally to ensure your design thrives.

Included in our maintenance program:

  1. Mulching, weeding, pruning, fertilizing

  2. Natural pest control

  3. Soil creation

  4. Organic waste management and composting systems

  5. Food production

  6. Harvest 

  7. Adaptations to changes in behavior or environment

  8. Education