Huertas de nosara

Network of organic food gardens

The Grandmother Garden is the first of a network of organic food gardens. Working alongside Ana Rosales, Guanacaste native, and organic agriculture pioneer, we maintain two 250 m2 greenhouses. Over the past year, this community has created group gardening events for volunteers to participate in the food growing process and take fresh organic food home. We provide expertise, tools, and good vibes and encourage everyone to get a little dirty.  


areas of impact

Organic Food Production and Seed Bank

Education and Community Building

Long term vision

Grandmother Garden

• Regenerate the entire 7500 m2 finca as a permaculture demonstration garden

Other gardens

• Build and maintain 5 community gardens across Nosara
• Acquire land and start large-scale agricultural projects for mass food production
• Achieve local fresh food autonomy

phase of project



•Provide gardens and opportunities for community involvement and education in regenerative farming

•Provide accessibility to organic food

•Provide opportunities for cross-cultural exchanges


Increase in availability of organic and nutrient-dense food.

Diverse stakeholder group

organic nursery

The seed bank and nursery ensure a constant supply of seeds, seedlings, and young plants. It promotes biodiversity and seed autonomy as well as protects open pollination seeds and heirloom species. The nursery provides a safe place for the growth of seedlings and young plants for the community and other regenerative projects.


Areas of impact

Organic Food and Seed Bank

Land Protection and Reforestation

Education and Community Building

Phase of project

Planning & Development

Long term vision

•Large-scale seed production, storage, and exchange.

•Large scale seedling and tree production

regenerative mandates

•Enhance biodiversity & protect endangered species

•Provide diverse food & medicinal seedlings 

•Build a nursery for growing plants, trees, and medicinal herbs

•Provide education and incentive for seed production, collection, and storing

•Build a community seed bank

Regenerative validation

•Consistent supply of organic starters

•Functioning seed bank 

•Community events focused on seed exchange and preservation.

•Availability of endangered and bio-diverse species


Organic Waste Management Systems

A multi-level organic waste management system saddled with an awareness and education campaign; that revalues food, yard, lumber mill, and other organic waste products into compost or energy. We provide services, products, and knowledge, to create compost at home, within residential hubs, or at the industrial level.

Phase 1: Home
Provide personal compost systems and maintenance as well as, pick up services for food and yard waste 
Phase 2: Restaurants & hotels
Pick up service for food and yard waste
Phase 3: Residential hubs
Design and maintain micro-processing sites


areas of impact

Create Circular Economies

Soil and Energy

Education and Community Building

phase of project

Developing alliances

Long term vision

• Execute a zero-waste model 
• Collaborate with neighboring municipalities to create economies of scale
• Collaborate with Costa Rican municipalities to scale the successful model to other communities

regenerative mandates

• Reclaim and revalue organic waste

• Increase knowledge and access to organic waste transformation 

• Provide services and products needed for organic waste management

• Collect and share data

Regenerative validation

• Reduce waste going to landfills

• Create valuable compost

• Participate in the decarbonization plan of Costa Rica

Soil Resource Center

This facility will be the main hub for soil production and analysis. We want to centralize the production of soil amendments like compost and fertilizers for use in community agricultural projects.


areas of impact

Create Circular Economies

Soil and Energy

Education and Community Building

phase of project


regenerative mandates

• To create valuable soil and amendments for the community. 

Regenerative validation

Increase in local soil amendments

Long term vision

• Commercialize soil amendments

• Offer courses on soil regeneration

• Composting of organic & yard waste of Nosara and surrounding areas

• Offer clean-up events focused on organic waste reclamation (river beds & ‘quebradas’)

• Develop a network of soil centers

• Create a model soil resource center

biomass energy

In a collaborative pilot project with ICE & CNFL we introduce a new model of on-demand decentralized ancillary energy production. This system will revalue biomass waste with a carbon-negative process.


Areas of impact

Create Circular Economies

Soil and Energy

Long term vision:

To ReValue most of Costa Rica’s biomass waste through closed-loop energy and soil production

Phase of project

Planning & market research

regenerative mandates

• Provide autonomous energy

• Reclaim biomass waste

• Participate in Costa Rica’s decarbonization plan

• Implement mobil gasification plant

• Biochar production

REGENERATIVE validation:

• ReValue commercial waste

• Produce decentralized energy

• Biochar returned to the soil